Organic Sidr Honey 500gm – Sider Berri Honey , Swat Honey, Natural , 100% Original خالص شہد چھوٹی مکھی کا

Original price was: ₨ 1,350.Current price is: ₨ 1,150.

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  • Sidr Beri Honey is reported to be good for liver problems, stomach ulcers, respiratory infections, diseases resulting from malnutrition, digestive problems, constipation, eye diseases, infected wounds and burns, surgical wounds

    Organic Sidr Beri Honey is a medical grade honey, particularly recommended for kids for its exceptionally high mineral, vitamins and active enzyme content. Moreover, it help towards strengthening the immune system and cognitive (brain) development.


    One of the most distinctive honey in the world is obtain in the woods of Yemen from the sacred Sidr tree. In addition, it is consider that it is most expensive and rarest form of honey in the global market. This is because of its cure-all health benefits and exquisite taste.

    This honey is not the same as we find in grocery stores. Well, it is not prove, but most of the people believe that pure honey contains some additional benefits over the process or pasteurized Honey.

    Honey is a potent substance with medicinal value. It is a power food and is use in many natural remedies.



    Amazing Facts

    • Ulcers and Digestive Aid
    • Perfect Immunity Booster
    • Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels in the Blood
    • It is Potent for Weight Loss


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  • Smooth, Viscous, Creamy, Moderately Thick
  • Benefit in Menstrual Cycle & Healthy Conception
  • Good for Athletes
  • Lowers Bad Cholesterol
  • Good for Immune System
  • Best Honey for Pregnant women
  • Much Better Than Sugar
  • World Best Honey
  • 500g


Additional information
Weight 0.50 kg
Dimensions 12 × 5 × 10 cm


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